
Man Thai

I wanted to post a thank you to all the family for providing for a fun weekend away from home. I had a fun time and I know Oliver loved it. "Cow, cow, cow, cow, cow!" I forgot to bring my standard camping Unisom tablet. Oh well, maybe next time.

The highlight of the trip, for me, was walking up the hill toward the Temple. It had been some time since I was on the grounds of a Temple. (When was the last weddin'?" I was glad to experience the peace that site can provide from the world. I had my expired Temple recommend renewed yesterday and I'm excited to return back to that peace.

I managed to camp without receiving a broken bone or a major scratch, so that is an improvement from camping with scouts. The scouts don't scratch, but playing Steal the Flag in bushes can mess up your legs.

Ollie still has a red mark on his calf from his pajamas that he wore to the pageant. I think he likes it, it is a good conversation starter for him.

All in all, I had a fun time. The food was good, it wasn't unbearably hot, I wasn't at work for two extra days and I had a chance to hang out with family. Thanks again.

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